Wang Xiang Ting
"View of My Home Village" Pagoda
Welcome to a dedicated website for Wang Xiang Ting, built with the support of an individual living in a small Michigan village. Wang Xiang Ting is located in "Bai-Wang-Shan" Forest Park (北京市百望山森林公园), in the west suburbs of Beijing, China. The park office can be contacted by telephone at 011-86-10-6288-4508 and by email at baiwangshan@yahoo.com. |
Click on image to view full Watercolor 点击放大 | |
2022 Complete Renovation of Wang Xiang Ting (2022 望乡亭翻新维修) (2022 望郷亭改装修理)
Photos taken of the renovation process have been compiled into a slide show linked here (January 1, 2023) on YouTube 2022 望乡亭翻新维修.pdf
Thirteenth Anniversary Celebration of Pavilion (April 1, 2018)
Article: April 16, 2018 Xinhuanet 北京百望山上的“望乡亭”和它的捐建者 Beijing Wangwang Mountain's "Wangxiang Pavilion" and its Donors
Update on Road Surrounding Pavillion
A. Profile on Building the Pagoda
November 12, 2011 望乡亭纪念画册 Commemorative Album: 1 of 2; 2 of 2
B. Dedication Ceremony: October 12, 2005
「望郷亭」の落成式が挙行 - CRI Online (October 12, 2005) China Radio International
C. Second Anniversary Celebration:
D. Fourth Anniversary Celebration:
November 2, 2009 台声 ("TaiSheng” magazine) article
Radio Beijing October 12, 2009 In Japanese
E. Exhibit at Japan National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan (日本国立民族学博物館:http://www.minpaku.ac.jp/)
1. Newsletter from the Director General of the Japan National Museum of Ethnology about the March 20, 2014 opening ceremony
(日本民族学博物馆 须藤健一馆长「館長だより」2014年3月20日 http://www.minpaku.ac.jp/research/letter/11218)
Japanese Chinese English 2. 2014年4月19日第431回みんぱくゼミナール レジュメ (431st lecture presented by Dr. Chen to over 400 attendees)
3. Excerpt from May 2014 monthly newsletter
4. Slideshow links related to March 20, 2014 Opening ceremony at National Museum of Ethnology (Japan)
欢迎光临与2014年3月20日在日本国立民族学博物馆举行的开幕式有关视频的联接:Slide show of Opening Ceremony
Opening ceremony-1: http://youtu.be/Tk394PPaKXQ
Opening ceremony-2: http://youtu.be/R_x9YDYUt18
Opening ceremony-3: http://youtu.be/UH3qSC3lYTw
Opening ceremony-4: http://youtu.be/tJHAzB-I6Gg
Opening ceremony-5: http://youtu.be/OplqI4a27Ao
Opening ceremony-1: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE3MTI3NTQ0.html
Opening ceremony-2: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE3MTI5MjYw.html
Opening ceremony-3: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE3MTI5NTQ4.html
Opening ceremony-4: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE3MTMwMjY4.html
Opening ceremony-5: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzE3MTMyNjM2.html
6. Pagoda In Beijing Exhibition at
National Museum of Ethnology (Japan)
On YouTube
On YouKu
7. On My Department Wall YouTube Video
1. 北京市百望山森林公園望鄉亭建成十周年慶祝聚會紀事
2015年10月12日 Tenth Anniversary of Pagoda Dedication (October 12, 2015): On YouTube On YouKu2. 紀念北京市百望山森林公園望鄉亭建亭十周年楊慶林2015年10月12日 Tenth Anniversary of Pagoda Dedication by Qing-lin Yang: On YouTube On YouKu
H. Thirteenth Anniversary Celebration of Pavilion (April 1, 2018)
April 16, 2018 Xinhuanet 北京百望山上的“望乡亭”和它的捐建者 Beijing BaiWang Mountain's "Wangxiang Pavilion" and its Donors
The Four Seasons at Wang Xiang Ting 春夏秋冬在望乡亭
The Building of Wang Xiang Ting 興建望乡亭 (including celebrations of annual anniversary celebrations of pagoda dedication)
Compositions Dedicated to Wang Xiang Ting 望乡亭留念作品
The Road Construction past Wang Xiang Ting 修路经过望乡亭 (including more recent views of the roads)
last revised January 3,
Copyright 2005-2023