The Building of | 望乡亭 |
Wang Xiang Ting "View of My Home Village" Pagoda |
Update: 13th Anniversary Celebration Pictures
Our heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to everyone who contributed to the successful planning and completion of this building project! 对所有为策划和完成本工程而做出贡献的人士致以由衷的谢意及祝福!Upda
We look forward to seeing you every year at Wang Xiang Ting on October 12th, the anniversary of the dedication ceremony. 我们期待着每年於十月十二日纪念落成周年之际能够在望乡亭与您重逢.
Bai Wang Shan
- - Before It Was A Park Photostory of Bai Wang Shan's Past 解析故事两则 記事中一二の事柄についての解説 Wang Er Shan 望児山 in 1966 Overview of Wang Xiang Ting Pagoda Building
2013北京望郷亭の集い | On You Tube: | 1之四; 2之四; 3之四; 4之四 |
On Youku: | 1之四; 2之四; 3之四; 4之四 | |
On Wei Bo Shi Bin : | 1之四; 2之四; 3之四; 4之四 | |
1. 北京市百望山森林公園望鄉亭建成十周年慶祝聚會紀事
2015年10月12日 Tenth Anniversary of Pagoda Dedication (October 12, 2015): On YouTube On YouKu2. 紀念北京市百望山森林公園望鄉亭建亭十周年楊慶林2015年10月12日 Tenth Anniversary of Pagoda Dedication by Qing-lin Yang:
20180401 望乡亭建亭13周年聚会
摄影:王欣 on YouKu
20180401 Celebration and Luncheon for the 13th Anniversary of Wangxiangting Pavilion
Photo by Hsin Wang on YouTube
September 28, 2009 Dr. Tobias' contributions
October 23, 2009 捐款管理 (Managing the donation)
September 23, 2010 维修问题 (maintenance issues)
2014 Renovation: a1) WangXiangTing 2014Renovation ZhiHai Zhou a2) YouTube Video
b1) WangXiangTing 2014 Renovation Reduced Edition b2) YouTube Video
c) WangXiangTing 2014 Renovation Extended Edition on YouTube
d) Pagoda in Beijing 2014 Renovation on YouTube
Pagoda in Beijing 2014 Renovation 望鄉亭在北京2014年整修: On YouTube On YouKu
2022 Wang Xiang Ting Complete Renovation (2022 望乡亭翻新维修) (2022 望郷亭改装修理) On YouTube 2022 望乡亭翻新维修.pdf
last revised January 3, 2023
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