Frequently Asked | 望乡亭 |
Questions for |
Wang Xiang Ting "View of My Home Village" Pagoda |
We will update this Frequently Asked Questions section as we receive comments and questions.
1.1 问: 我已打开您的网页,可惜只能看照片,因为英语实在不行。(December 29, 2007)
1.2 Q. There is an error in Chinese Spelling of the website. According to the Chinese pronunciation, it should be "wangxianting" but not "wangxiangtin". Could you add a "g" to it? (January 1, 2008)
Answer. Thank you for your upgrade. We have corrected the website spelling so that the name is now “Wang Xiang Ting.” If we missed any place, please advise.
1.3 Q. 请大家都来参加《望乡亭》的活动。建议能否让sina《新浪》、YAHOO《雅虎中国》、SOHU《搜孤》、SOGOU《搜狗》、GOOGLE《谷歌》等大网站联接《望乡亭》,便于读者搜索。So that everyone can participate in the activities at Wang Xiang Ting, it would be helpful if the Chinese search engines, for example Sina, Yahoo, Sohu, Sogou, and Google, connect with this website. (January 2, 2008)
Answer. 誏各大網站与我們的網站聯結,是很好的想法。我查看了如何才能和美國的GOOGLE網聯結。它們的做法是並不是要你申請与它們網站的聯結,而如果你自己的網站被另外網站聯結多了,它這大網站就自動地跟你的網站聯結。它們一直在調查哪網站被另外的聯結,被聯結的多了,它們也來聯結。不知道所有大網站都用這種辦法去發現它們要聯結的具體網站,但按照這種做法,現在我們需要做的,不是和那些大網站要跟我們的網站來聯結,而跟,比如說我們科學院及所屬各所,還有各大學等等的網站,如果有些個人有網站的,請盡量多地這些網站和我們的網站聯結,這樣聯結的網站超過一定數目,那些大網站就自動地跟你的網站聯結。Thank you for your wonderful suggestion. According to our recent research on this subject, it appears that the search engines identify websites to add to its index based upon various factors, many of which may be out of our control. For example, according to Google: “We add and update new sites to our index each time we crawl the web... We do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.” It appears that one way that we can facilitate this process is to have as many websites link to the Wang Xiang Ting website as possible. Therefore, we encourage everyone to contact the webmasters of their respective websites to add a link to the Wang Xiang Ting website ( Thank you in advance for your support!
January 29, 2008 Update: We recently
found that Google is able to locate this website if
we enter “Wangxiangting.”
1.4 Q.能否将《密大科研人员为和平建亭》中文译稿放入网站中? Is it possible to upload to the website a Chinese translation of The University Record article? (January 2, 2008)
Answer. 兩位先生已经从英文翻譯成中文, 日文的已经上网了。希望其他英文的也会以后陆续地翻成中/日文,還有将中文稿翻成英/日文也同样地重要.我們都把它們放在我們的網上。We have uploaded the Chinese and Japanese translations fo this article. We hope to also provide translations of all English articles into Chinese and Japanese. Similarly, we hope to provide translations into English, Japanese and Chinese articles. As we receive completed translations, we will load such documents onto the website.
1.5 Q. A brief description of what a Pagoda is and why it is special in Chinese culture would also be helpful to education those (like me) who do not have a deep understanding of the cultural significance of a Pagoda. 希望在網上對“亭“本身做基本情況介紹。(January 2, 2008)
Answer. 如果能请有关专业人士对”亭”建筑, 它在中华文化中的地位等做个网上介紹就好. We hope to find experts on pagoda building and experts on the significance of pagoda building in Chinese culture, and provide such explanations on this website.
1.6 Q. I think you should have more pictures of the structure. It is beautiful and you should consider showing it from several angles or levels of magnification. (January 2, 2008)
Answer.在春夏秋冬不同季节從不同的角度和目線多照幾張照片來顯示望鄉亭的美.我们将由大家提供的这些照片尽可能多地都上网. We welcome contributions of photographs from Wang Xiang Ting visitors, featuring the pagoda at various times of the four seasons, from a variety of angles and distances. We plan to load as many of these photographs on the Four Seasons web page of this website. Please send your photo contributions to the email address provided below.
1.7 Q. May I copy some photos from your website into my website, so that the visitors of my site may have interest in visiting your website? 我可不可以將把你網上的照片下载在我的網站以便我網站的訪客也許也有興趣訪問你的網站? (January 15, 2008)
Answer (updated January 5, 2014). Yes, you are welcome to copy any photo from this website into your website and/or blog page, so long as you indicate clearly the photo's source(, and the photographer's name (where provided on this website). Please also advise us of your website address when you copy a photo in this way. 可以的。只要您註明其照片的來源 (, 以及该照片的攝影人姓名,歡迎您把我網上的任何照片下载在您的網站或者BLOG上,与此同时请告知您的网址.
1.8 Q. What a wonderful place. I would love to learn more about the history and the painted image of the pagoda. (January 6, 2008)
Answer. We have created a new webpage to highlight the watercolor that includes Wang Xiang Ting, which is linked to the smaller image on every page of this website. We will provide more background information about this watercolor as we receive such information.
问: 我想看建亭碑文内容,却因画面太小而不得其详.
另外,当点击"Guest Book"时,出现的却是"Road past"的画面,可能连接有误.
我有六十年代与同学登望儿山(今易名"百望山")的黑白照片,不知对网站有无助益? (January 1, 2008)
答: 几天前当我们开始想到开办这网站时发现已经有人用上"WangXiangTing"这名称了.就这样我们只好把我们的叫做"WangXiangTin"了.
答: 我是这样浏览《望乡亭》网站的 (杨庆林2008 01 25)
品、问题解答等。还与《百望山森林公园》等网站链接。浏览也很方便,把《望乡亭》网址输入到电脑屏上方的“地址”栏中存储,下次只要启动电脑上网, 点击地
点击屏面左上方的 "十”“一”来调节大小。要浏览《百望山森林公园》的网站,只要点击《望乡亭》
答: 私は次のように「望郷亭」ウェブサイトを操作しています。(楊慶林 20080125)
上方にある”baiwangshan forest park 北京市百望山森林公園“ のキイワードをクリックすればよいです
Comments welcome: |
last revised January 5, 2014
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